Bio and Statement

Born 1987, Seattle, WA. Helena Parriott works with painting, glass, and performance. She lives and works between Brazil, Seattle, and NYC. Her works have shown nationally and internationally, including VICTORI + MO, BRIC, BFP Creative, Centotto, and UrbanGlass, Brooklyn, NY, Macklind Appliance, St. Louis, MO, and Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum. She was guest artist at the Museum of Glass, Seattle, WA, Tyler School of art, Philadelphia, PA, Wheaton Arts, New Jersey, and Zelezny Brod School of Glass in ZB, Czech Republic. Helena is a current Artist in Residence at Instituto Biorregional do Cerrado, Alto Paraiso de Goias, Brazil.

In the midst of our processes, artists exist in relationship to industry, and our environments which are built through industrialially created and extracted materials. Contemporary artists have access to materials and pigments, tools, and processes via the mechanisms of heavy industry. Materials seized by artists are then transformed in alchemical practice. 

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